Monday 27th April
↪ACTIVITY 1(reading, writing).
Completa las siguientes fichas.
1. 2thin / 3short/ 4 tall / 5young/ 6old
2. 2 is he thin? / 3. Is he strong?/ 4. Is he young?/ Is she short?
1. 1C/ 2B/ 3A / 4 She´s got dark hair, She´s young, she hasn't got glasses
2. 2 she got/ yes, she has/ she/ no, she isn´t
2.3 he got/ no, he hasn't / he 7 yes, he is
2.4 she got /yes, she has/ she/ no, she isn´t
↪ACTIVITY 2(speaking).
Intenta repetir este trabalenguas, "Tongue twister".
Tuesday 28th April
↪ACTIVITY 1(reading, writing and speaking).
Repasamos el abecedario completando las siguientes actividades y deletreamos en voz alta los personajes de "Fantasy"
↪ACTIVITY 2(listening and speaking).
Escucha el siguiente vídeo, prestando atención a la pronunciación y repite.
↪ACTIVITY 3(speaking).
En el siguiente juego intentar ordenar el abecedario lo más rápido que puedas, vete repitiendo las letras en voz alta.
Wednesday 29th April
↪ACTIVITY 1(reading, writing).
Lee y completa la actividad.
2. No, he hasn't/ 3.Yes, she is/ 4.Yes, she has / 5. Yes, he is / 6. Yes, he has / 7. No, she isn't / 8. No, she hasn't
↪ACTIVITY 2(reading, writing).
Lee y completa la actividad.
2. No, he hasn't/ 3.Yes, she is/ 4.Yes, she has / 5. Yes, he is / 6. Yes, he has / 7. No, she isn't / 8. No, she hasn't
↪ACTIVITY 2(reading, writing).
1.2 a beard 1.3 he ´s got blond hair 1.4 he hasn't got curly hair 1.5 got a pony tail 1.6 she hasn't got glasses 1.7 she's got straight hair 1.8 she hasn't got curly hair
2.2 has she got blond hair? yes, she has/ has she got wavy hair? yes, she has (a)
2.3 has he got curly hair? no, he hasn´t/ has he got a beard? yes, he has (d)
2.4 has he got wavy hair? no, he hasn't / has he got a moustache? yes, he has (c)
↪ACTIVITY 3(reading and speaking).
Lee y escoge la opción correcta
![]() |
1a /2b /3a/ 4b /5b / 6b /7a / 8b / 9a/ 10b /11b/ 12a/ 13 a/ 14a/ 15 b/ 16a/ 17 b/ 18b |
Thursday 30th April
↪ACTIVITY 1(listening and singing).
Vamos a terminar la semana con esta canción, que seguro recordarás.
↪ACTIVITY 2(listening).
Adivina que personaje se esconde tras el siguiente vídeo.
Vamos a terminar la semana con esta canción, que seguro recordarás.
↪ACTIVITY 2(listening).
Adivina que personaje se esconde tras el siguiente vídeo.