- ACTIVITY 1 (reading and writing):
Tuesday 14th April
Lee el siguiente vocabulario y completa en un folio la ficha
- ACTIVITY 2 (listening and speaking):
Wednesday 15th April
Repasa"The alphabet" con el vídeo que aparece a continuación y deletrea las palabras que se encuentran abajo a la derecha en el póster del abecedario.
↠https://vimeo.com/403193805- ENGLAND BIG BEN VIDEO (listening):
- NUMBERS (speaking and writing):
Repasa los números realizando las siguientes operaciones matemáticas en una libreta o folio.
43+39= 120+25= 178+54= 230+156=
123-64= 456-255= 398-234= 789-543=
134x12= 456x5= 36x14= 293x8=
Calcula el resultado final.
1 seventy-seven / 2 seventy-three / 3 eighty-six / 4 one hundred
Thursday 16th April
Friday 17th April
- ACTIVITY 1 (reading and speaking):
Lee en voz alta las tres formas del verbo TO BE, afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
- ACTIVITY 2 (reading and writing):
Puedes consultar cualquier palabra en el siguiente diccionario online:
Completa las siguientes fichas sobre el verbo To Be.
1 am / 2 are / 3 is / 4 is / 5 is / 6 are/ 7 are / 8 are / 9 is / 10 is
1 am/ 2 is, is / 3 is / 4 are /5 aren´t / 6 is / 7 are / 8 is / 9 are / 10 is / 11 is /12 am / 13 are /14 are /
15 isn´t
![]() |
1 is / 2 is, is / 3 are / 4 aren´t , are / 5 am , aren´t / 6 is / 7 are / 8 are , are / 9 am , are /10 are / 11 are , am not/ 12 isn´t/ 13 are /14 is ,is / 15 am |
Friday 17th April
- ARTS (listening and drawing):
- SONG (listening and singing):